2012年03月21日 08:27
汉语水平考试(HSK)班 我院自2006年起开始设立HSK班,承担该班教学任务的均为学历高、专业知识强,经验丰富,勤勉敬业的优秀教师。开办四年以来教学效果良好,学生的HSK考试过级率得到了大幅度的提高,该班已成为我院的特色教学产品。由于学院软硬件条件出色,2009年被批准为汉语水平考试(HSK)考点。 Our HSK Program dates back to 2006. Combined with our professional, experienced and industrious teaching staff, we continuously strive to provide every client with an unrivalled learning experience. The past four years has witnessed the achievements our HSK program has made in terms of students’ Chinese proficiency and their passing rate for HSK Test. As a result, our HSK program is entitled with the quality course in the institute and enjoys a good reputation both at home and abroad. Moreover, our college has been approved as one of the HSK test spot since 2009 for the first-rate teaching facilities and well-trained teaching staff。 我が校のHSKコースは、中国政府が唯一公認している世界標準中国語テストである漢語水平考試(HSK考試)に重点を置いた中国語教育を行うコースです。高学歴かつ専門的な中国語知識を持つ経験豊富な教師陣の教えの下、2006年の開設以降、HSK考試における生徒の合格数が大幅に増え、我が校の特色とも呼べるコースの一つとなっています。2009年には教育の品質と教育設備の良さが認められ、正式に漢語水平考試(HSK考試)の受験会場として認められました。 화문학원은 2006년 HSK반 개설이래, 줄곧 고학력 교직원들의 높은 전문성과 풍부한 경험, 투철한 직업정신으로 HSK합격률을 대폭 상승시키는 등 눈부시는 교육성과를 이룩하였으며 HSK으로 하여금 화문학원의 포인트학과로 부상하게 하였습니다. 당 학원은 탁월한 교육기반으로 2009년도 부터 중국어능력시험(HSK) 고사장소로 지정되었습니다.
◆招生对象及报名、开学时间 ◆学制设置 HSK中级班(学制半年),招收对象为具有一定汉语基础的学生。 Academic settings: HSK Beginner(One Academic Year)--- You have never studied the language or you have done so at a university or language school for less than a year totaling 100 hours or less. Beginners are also classified as those who know around 800 Chinese characters or less。 HSK Intermediate(Semester)--- You are a conversational speaker in Chinese but forget many of the words, and your pronunciation is not up to par. You have probably studied for about two years at an international university or about 350 hours at a language school. At this level, you can recognize about 2000 to 2500 Chinese characters。 募集対象 HSK初級コース(一年間)…中国語初心者 HSK中級コース(半年間)…中国語に関しある程度の基礎がある者 모집 대상 HSK초급반(1년제): 중국어 초보자 HSK중급반(반년제): 일정한 중국어 기초 보유자 ◆课程设置 Curriculum: Listening, reading, speaking, comprehensive skill training, PE, Music and Calligraphy 授業内容 과정설치 중국어, 듣기, 독해, 회화, 시험대비 종합훈련, 체육, 음악, 서예 Applicant please fill out the Beijing Chinese Language and Culture College Application Form and click “提交”to submit。 ◆收费标准 1、学 费:9800元RMB(人民币)/人/学期 Prices: 1. Tuition: 9,800 RMB per capita each semester 2. Entry fee: 300 RMB per capita 3. Accommodation: 6800 RMB per capita each semester (double bed room) 4. Down payment for Accommodation: 800 RMB per capita (pay upon enrollment and be returned upon graduation) 5. Insurance: 90 RMB per capita one academic year 6. Your own meal arrangements 入学にかかる費用(各お一人様分) 1.学費:9800元RMB(一学期分) 2。志願費:300元RMB 3.宿泊費(2人一部屋):6800元RMB(一学期分) 4.敷金:800元RMB(解約時に返却) 5.保険料:90元RMB(一学年分) 6.その他:食費は自費 비용 수취기준 1。학비: 9800원(RMB)/인/학기 2. 등록비: 300원(RMB)인 3. 기숙사비: 2인실 기준, 6800원(RMB)/인/학기 4. 기숙사 입주 보증금: 등록 시 보증금 800원(RMB)/인 수취, 퇴실 시 반환。 5. 보험비: 90원(RMB)/인/학년 6. 식사비용: 자가부담 ◆汇款方式: 联系方式 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 地址: 北京市西城区阜外大街39号 北京华文学院 邮编:100037 Contact: E-mail: [email protected] Address: Beijing Chinese Language and Culture College 39 Fuchengmen Wai Street Xicheng District Beijing P.R.China 連絡方法 E-mail: bjhwxy@bjhwxy.com [email protected] 住所:北京市西城区阜外大街39号 北京華文学院 郵便番号:100037 연락처 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] 주소:북경시 서성구 부성문외대가39번 북경화문학원 北京市西城区阜外大街39号 北京华文学院 우편번호: 100037